Practical Fitness for Travel (or anywhere)


We are nearing the beginning of summer. School will be out, kiddos will be commandering our time and it will be prime time for travel. With this, often goes all ideas the regularity of our normal routines - especially in terms of movement. This is sometimes a really good thing - shaking up the norm can be quite energizing and there is nothing like introducing new movement patterns to the body to also spark up the brain. Summer activities such as enjoying nature walks and outdoors sports - beach volleyball, surfing, biking, climbing and the like offer the fringe benefit of exposure to natural sunlight and the vast number of benefits associated with that.

On the other hand, with schedules out the window and beach chairs in plain sight, slipping into laziness is can happen almost imperceptibly. Frankly, it has happened to us more times than we’d like to admit. We understand how easy it is to become attached to a beach chair for hours on end, especially when the cabana person is suspiciously there to refresh cocktails at the first clink of an ice cube.

A great way to combat this is to get the morning rolling on the right foot. Keeping your morning routine going is critical. Since we’ve recognized for ourselves the strong gravitational pull towards vacation malaise, our morning routines follow us around the globe non-negotiably. With regards to movement, we make sure to get our exercise in first thing in the morning. Then, swimming/kayaking/hiking, i.e. all other forms of movement after that become bonus.

Here is a workout that is simple and easy to incorporate in any situation/location - no equipment or large space necessary. Use it to upgrade to your morning. It will help increase sleep quality, oxygenation to the muscles and brain and will start your day on a great path. We have limited stores of will power. Make smart decisions at the beginning of the day before your willpower dwindles. It will also initiate a cascade of positive effects as the day progresses. Don’t shy away from using this protocol at home as well!



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