Posts tagged breath work
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The past few weeks have been overwhelmingly turbulent. Racism in this nation, deep, systemic and multigenerational, has been made palpable through the meaningless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery - actions of a larger collective broken consciousness.

We have held back from discussing this not because we are choosing to ignore it. Not because we have not been thinking about it, feeling it, talking about it and grieving over it. But because we don’t feel educated enough to say the right thing in response to the inequity, oppression and alienation that has been in plain sight, and yet so intimately veiled. We do not have all the answers and we realize we are not even fully aware of all the nuances surrounding this fiercely complicated subject.

What we, as individuals, as a family, and as a small business, can say with conviction, is that we are dedicated to listening, learning and doing whatever it takes to make profound change happen.

A radical awakening for humanity is necessary. This is a time for knowledge, understanding, humility, courage, speaking out and action. In our minds, bodies and spirits we must create a new paradigm. 

We can all come together on a primal level. We cannot fully listen, learn, be insightful, courageous, energetically brave and bold to spark change if we are dis-eased and overwhelmed with stress.

Human beings share the gift of breath. And that gift has the power to energize us into action as well as settle us into calm. Our initiative must be guided by the latter. Imagine being able to physiologically control your reaction to stress and approach chaotic situations with focus and clarity? Imagine, on the other end of the spectrum, the ability to unearth energy from deep within - to speak out when your voice could change the trajectory of someone’s life, several lives. This power is innately ours.

Breath work for calm: Breath in and out through the nose. Inhale for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 4. Exhale for a count of 8. Hold for a count of 4 before your next inhale.

Breath work for courage and action: Powerfully inhale through the nose and passively exhale through the mouth 20-30 times. On the last exhale, hold for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds have elapsed, take a deep inhale and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this 2 additional times. The second time through, hold on the exhale for 45 seconds. On the third and final round, hold on the exhale for 60 seconds.

If you need guidance through the breath practices, we are here. Gregg has been hosting stress-relieving/energizing breath work group sessions daily via Zoom. Please connect with us if you are interested in joining.

What do we know

In (normal) life, we have the illusion that we imagine what lies beyond the horizon. This is a very human tendency, a protective mechanism of sorts, helping us deal with the sense of unease brought about by the unknown, that vulnerability.

What happens when that veil of certainty is lifted? Because for sure this is a veil.

When in life do we really know what lies beyond, what the future holds, or even what out experience of the next moment will be? The answer is never. The countless distractions of today - phones, computers, TV’s, food, shopping, and even exercise help energize the illusion of predictability.

We only glance at the reality that we know nothing of the future when we are able to unplug and be present. It is a good idea to practice this - to familiarize ourselves with the reality that our ducks are never really in a row. That while we can make predictions that may seem solid given our knowledge and experience, but in no way is anything in life a guarantee.

Meditation is the practice of letting go of the illusion of the future (and the past) and living the present moment. This is especially important today, where hiding behind distractions no longer quells anxiety as it once did a mere month ago. Apps such as Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer are great for both beginner and experienced meditators. I really like Ziva meditations, which are mantra based. If you would like personalized help to get started, I offer guided meditations over the phone or Skype. Send me a note.

Another way to “be” is through breath work. Gregg has been leading small groups through 20 minute immune boosting and anxiety relieving breath work sessions every day. If you are interested in joining, contact us here.

Being in nature helps bring me into the present. An exercise based on one I heard on the Tim Ferriss podcast with Jack Kornfield, a trained Buddhist monk, resonates deeply with me. Give it a try.

Put your hand on the trunk of a tree. Close your eyes and feel its sturdiness, its strength, its flexibility. Imagine its roots, deep and intricately connected below the earth. Recognize its history - its wisdom, all it has seen and withstood throughout time - storms, winds, rains, humans and other creatures of all kinds. Surrender to the feeling that we are a part of all of this.

I’d love to hear what you think once you try it.

Quick Holiday Anxiety Fix

Have your anxiety levels begun to skyrocket with the holidays on the horizon? You’re not alone. The holidays bring with it a myriad of demands on top of the demands of everyday life - from gift giving and party throwing (and attending) to an influx of family and relatively less time for self and peace and quiet.

Our number one way to kick that unwanted anxiety out to the curb is free and easy to do no matter where you are. Breathing practices can help both rev you up for enhanced performance and help you down regulate to ease stress and anxiety as well as help you to sleep.


The first step is learning to breath through your nose. For those of you who have taken my classes you know I have been preaching this for quite some time. More and more attention is being given to nose breathing. In fact, the NY Times just published an article about nose breathing and its link to better brain functioning, specifically memory. In addition to memory, nose breathing sends a direct signal to the nervous system cueing it to stay calm. In this state, the body can repair, regenerate and digest optimally. Nose breathing is also one of the top defenses against colds and flus. The nose acts as a filter and ensures the air in the lungs is warm and moist which means healthier lungs and greater O2 distribution. To top it all off, nose breathing will allow for the accumulation of nitric oxide in sinuses and all the benefits associated with this. What are these benefits you ask? Nitric oxide is very effective at opening airways and capillaries for great O2 transport to muscle, brain, heart, etc. It also works as an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent to fight potential health invaders. Bottom line? The nose was designed to do most of our breathing - specifically for health and physical performance purposes. Mouth breathing is a back up for emergency cases (including high intensity activities).

For a quick de-stressor in moments of overwhelm and anxiety, try these exercises:

  1. Breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale through the nose for 4 counts, then hold for 4 counts. Repeat. This is also known as box breathing. You can adjust the timing of this breathing as you become more practiced. for example, increase all counts to 5 or up to 10.

  2. Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, exhale through the nose for 8 counts.

Nine River Road, Callicoon, NY

Nine River Road, Callicoon, NY

Interested in learning more breathing techniques? Join me and Fatima in January at Nine River Road in the Catskills for a truly restorative weekend. We will be taking a much deeper dive into breath work and mobility practices geared towards redefining age and cultivating a bullet proof, resilient, lean and strong body. For more info and to sign up, see HERE. Don’t wait, space is limited!